Using Skill-Building Sheets
Using Skill-Building Sheets
Every issue of Scholastic News has skill-building sheets to develop second-grade reading comprehension, vocabulary, and foundational skills.
Where can I find the skill-building sheets?
Where can I find the skill-building sheets?
Click on the cover of the issue you want to teach. The skill-building sheets for that issue are at the bottom.

Can I print all of the skill-building sheets for one month at the same time?
Can I print all of the skill-building sheets for one month at the same time?
Yes. Look in the upper right-hand corner for “All [ex. February] Skill Sheets”

Can I search for skill-building sheets by skill or topic?
Can I search for skill-building sheets by skill or topic?
Yes. Type the topic or skill in the search box in the upper right-hand corner. Then “filter by type” on the left side of the page.

Can my students print the skill-building sheets?
Can my students print the skill-building sheets?
No. When students log in using your Class Password, they do not have access to the teaching guides, standards correlations, or skill-building sheets.