7. Mirror, Mirror
This activity improves concentration.
Materials: none
Have your child stand face-to-face with someone else.
Choose who will be Person A and who will be Person B. Person A will be the “mover” first. Person A will start out with small movements, like wiggling their nose. Then Person A will try bigger movements, like swinging an arm from side to side. Person B must follow Person A’s movements EXACTLY. It should look like Person A is looking in a mirror!
Then switch! Person B will be the “mover.” Person A will follow their every move.
8. Find the Rhymes
This activity promotes literacy.
Materials: none
Ask your child to choose one thing around the home that has a simple name. For example: door, cat, or bed.
Your child will then walk around your home and find other things that rhyme with that word. For example, if they chose a “bed,” they might find a “sled” or some “bread” in the home too!
Your child can play this indoors or outdoors.
9. Guess the Animal
This activity fosters coordination and creativity.
Materials: none
Have your child act out different animals for other people in your family to guess.
Have one child think of an animal. They will act like this animal for one minute without making any sound. Can anyone guess which animal they are being?
After one minute, if the animal has not been correctly guessed, your child can make noises too (but NO words!).
Tip: If thinking of different animals will be difficult, write down the names of several animals on small strips of paper. Put the strips in a container and have your child pick one out!