World's Cutest Hippo? Lesson Plan

Academic Standards


Reading Objective:

Students will meet Moo Deng, a famous hippo raising awareness of endangered pygmy hippos, and determine whether fame is good for animals.


Science/Social Studies Focus:

endangered animals


ELA Skills:

key details, vocabulary, opinion writing, writing


Page 4 Skill:

read a diagram



celebrity, endangered



RI.2.1 key details; RI.2.2 main topic; RI.2.7 diagrams; RI.2.10 read informational texts; W.2.1 opinion writing; SL.2.1 collaborative conversations


Lexile Level:


Provide students with some background on endangered animals.

Build background knowledge (10 min.)

Watch our video “What Are Endangered Animals?” After children have finished watching the video, discuss the following question:

  • What is one endangered animal you learned about?

Set a purpose for reading (5 min.)

  • Pass out the issue and discuss the cover. Have students heard of Moo Deng? What do they know about her?
  • Next read the As You Read prompt on page 2: “Think about whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for animals to be famous.” Encourage children to think about this prompt as they read.

Read together (20 min.)

Pass out the Read and Think printable. Use it to check comprehension as you read the issue together, pausing to ask the questions. 

Review vocabulary (3 min.)

Next, play the online vocabulary slideshow. This issue’s featured words are celebrity and endangered. 

Assessment: Reading Quiz

Pass out the Reading Quiz to review key concepts from the issue and assess students’ proficiency on key nonfiction reading skills.

Saving Fiona: The Story of the World’s Most Famous Baby Hippo by Thane Maynard (20 min.)

Before Moo Deng, there was Fiona. She was born back in 2017 and was the first hippo raised by humans. She started small, the size of a football, but soon grew in size, strength, and popularity!

  • Use the online game show to gauge comprehension and reinforce the issue’s content. Students can play individually or in teams. For each question they answer correctly, they win a point!

You can use our printable worksheets to focus on important ELA skills. Here’s how.

ELA Focus: Vocabulary (15 min.)

  • Use the Word Work skill sheet to deepen students’ understanding of the words celebrity and endangered.

Editor’s Pick: Opinion Writing (15 min.)

  • Use the Write Your Opinion! to have students share their own thoughts about animals becoming famous. The scaffolded steps guide students to back up their choice with reasons.

ELA Focus: Writing (15 min.)

  • Students can retell Moo Deng’s story in their own words with the Wh- Questions skill sheet.

Is it good for animals to become famous? Vote here!

Here are two past issues you can use to extend your lesson on endangered animals:

  • "This Is the World’s Most Dangerous Cat!,” April 2020. Students will further develop their understanding of endangered animals by identifying reasons that a fierce little cat needs help from people.
  • Which Would You Want to Cuddle?,” April 2021. This issue has students consider and evaluate reasons why strange-looking endangered animals should be protected.

You can find a higher-Lexile-level and a lower-Lexile-level version of the article online here:

  • Higher-Lexile level: 670L
  • Lower-Lexile level: 480L