Hats Off for Presidents’ Day! Lesson Plan

Academic Standards


Reading Objective:

Students will compare and contrast George Washington’s and Abraham Lincoln’s roads to presidency.


Social Studies Focus:

Presidents’ Day, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln


ELA Skills:

key details, vocabulary, writing, read a map


Page 4 Skill:

text features



general, cabin, trusted



RI.2.1 ask and answer questions; RI.2.4 determine meaning of words; RI.2.5 text features; RI.2.10 read informational texts; W.2.2 informative writing; W.2.8 gather information; L.2.2 capitalization


Lexile level:


Provide students with some background on Presidents' Day.

Build background knowledge (10 min.)

Watch our videos “The Life of Abraham Lincoln” and “The Life of George Washington.” After children have finished watching the videos, discuss the following question:

  • What is one thing you learned about each president?

Set a purpose for reading (5 min.)

  • Pass out the issue, and discuss the cover. Do students know who wore each hat?
  • Next, read the As You Read prompt on page 3: “Think about how George and Abe were alike and different.” Encourage children to think about this prompt as they read.

Read together (20 min.)

Pass out the Read and Think skill sheet. Use it to check comprehension as you read the issue together, pausing to ask the questions. 

Review vocabulary (3 min.)

Next, play the online vocabulary slideshow. This issue’s featured terms are general, cabin, and trusted.

Assessment: Reading Quiz 

Pass out the Reading Quiz to review key concepts from the issue and assess students’ proficiency on key nonfiction reading skills.

Presidents’ Day by Anne Rockwell  (20 min.)

George Washington and Abraham Lincoln will come to life in the book that features a class putting on a school play. Readers will learn about presidents and this special holiday that honors them.

  • In this game, students practice capitalization. Each correct answer helps Lincoln’s train move farther down the track. All aboard!

You can use our printable worksheets to focus on ELA skills. Here’s how.

ELA Focus: Vocabulary (15 min.)

  • Use the Word Work skill sheet to deepen students’ understanding of the words general, cabin, and trusted.     

Editor’s Pick: Writing (15 min.)

  • Students will organize the facts they have learned in the issue while making their very own mini book with the My Presidents’ Day Book skill sheets. The class can be broken into two groups, each researching a different president, or each student can make two books!

ELA Focus: Read a Map (15 min.)

  • The Map of Monuments skill sheet lets students analyze a map of Presidential monuments in Washington, D.C.

 Here are two past issues you can use to extend your lesson on Presidents' Day:

  • "George’s First Day!,” February 2024. Students will discover how George Washington spent his first day as president.
  • All Aboard, Abe!” February 2021. Students will discuss how Abraham Lincoln traveled to the White House when he became president.

You can find a higher-Lexile-level and a lower-Lexile-level version of the article online here:

  • Higher Lexile level: 640L
  • Lower Lexile level: 450L